Frank Feschino Jr. with the Flatwoods Monster

Shaun and Nathan start looking into the mystery of the Flatwoods Monster with Frank Feschino, Jr.

Five years after the 1947 Roswell, New Mexico crash story, the most terrifying UFO encounter in history occurred. On September 12, 1952 the United States Government was shocked when a damaged UFO penetrated this country’s airspace and crash-landed on a farm in the small town of Flatwoods, West Virginia among the Allegheny Mountains. Moments later, a group of curious local townspeople set out to investigate the scene. Upon inspection of the woods and crash area, these unsuspecting locals were confronted by a nightmarish being that would change their lives forever. Near a large tree, the terrified eyewitnesses described seeing an entity that towered over twelve feet tall and was of tremendous size.