SparrowKane Ventures Rochelle Sparrow, MSW, is an internationally reknowned psychic trancechannel, former therapist radio and television personality. Trough her lifetime Rochelle developed a solid, clear understanding of the paranormal through working as a therapist and personal dream analysis. Rochelle became an expert in shamanic trance states, began to read energy and developed her accurate psychic abilities. Because of her outstanding reputation clarity and ethics, Rochelle has become the featured trance channel for Shirley Maclaines website. Rochelle has helped influence people throughout the world with her candid truth about spiritual development. Rochelle has developed a psychic Dear Abby Column, Ask Rochelle, which is featured in many mind body spirit as well as paranormal magazines. In an empathic, entertaining manner Rochelle creates understanding through her psychic trancechannelling for audiences participants of past life experiences, psychic abilities, information regarding spirit guides and angels and helps people with their most important questions