Frank Feschino Jr. with the Flatwoods Monster

Shaun and Nathan start looking into the mystery of the Flatwoods Monster with Frank Feschino, Jr. Five years after the 1947 Roswell, New Mexico crash story, the most terrifying UFO encounter in history occurred. On September 12, 1952 the United States Government was shocked when a damaged UFO penetrated this country’s airspace and crash-landed […]


Have you been wondering what Elvira has been up to? Well friend of the G&D Show Cassandra Peterson AKA Elvira Mistress of the Dark stopped by to tell us all about what she is working on and the haunting experience she wasn’t able to tell us about the last time she was on the show. […]

Live from the Octagon Hall!

THE G&D MIDNIGHT SHOW LIVE FROM THE HAUNTED OCTAGON HALL ON THE KENTUCKY CIVIL WAR TRAIL! In 1847, Andrew Jackson Caldwell laid out the foundation for his new family home. With a desire for distinction, his home would not be a simple structure with four walls like so many others, but an eight sided edifice […]

Haunted Octagon Hall

Shaun and Nathan talk with Bill Byrd, owner of the Haunted Octagon Hall and Paul Browining author of “Hauntings at the Octagon Hall” and “Thinking Outside the Box” (Tips Tricks & Tactics for the Paranormal Investigator) Paul has appeared on Travel Channel’s “Most Terrifying Places” and will be on Bio Channel’s “My Ghost Story” […]

Tom Biscardi and Jim Snell of Anatomy of a Bigfoot Hoax

Shaun and Nathan go inside the the biggest paranormal story of 2008.  All America was excited with the prospect of a captured Bigfoot in Georgia! As time went on we all started to believe there was some monkey business going on. No one was more shocked with the news of a hoax then world famous […]

Kristi Petersen Schoonover and Haunted Disney

Kristi’s short fiction has been featured in The Adirondack Review, Barbaric Yawp, The Illuminata, Chick Flicks, Afternoon, The Circle, Citizen Culture, I Like Monkeys, New Witch Magazine, MudRock – Stories & Tales, Waxing & Waning, Wrong World’s multi-media anthology, I’m Going to Tell You One More Time, and many, many others. Skeletons in the Swimmin’ […]

Lawrence R Spencer of Alien Interview

Shaun and Nathan talk with Lawrence R. Spencer of ALIEN INTERVIEW – Top secret military transcripts from Roswell, 1947. Planet Earth is not our home. It is our prison. As well as his newest book 1001 THINGS TO DO WHILE YOU’RE DEAD.

Patrick H T Doyle

The G&D Show is joined by long time friend Patrick H.T. Doyle of the Edgar Font Series and his newest book NEXT REST STOP: EARTH. Next Rest Stop: Earth is Patrick H.T. Doyle’s 4th novel for young reader’s. He is also the author and illustrator of the award-winning series, EDGAR FONT’S HUNT FOR A […]

Robert Allen of Haunted Vegas Tours

We’re talking Bugsy Siegel, Liberace, Redd Foxx and Elvis with Robert Allen, creator of Haunted Vegas Tours. Robert makes it possible to visit such eerie sites by offering a guided Tour and Show, featuring Sin City’s Darkest Ghostly Secrets. According to Allen, who consulted with Tim Cridland, a paranormal historian and Janice Oberding, author […]

Laurie Cabot: The Official Witch of Salem

This week on the G&D Show, Shaun and Nathan talk about what kind of signs to look out for to predict good or bad luck. Then the Ghostman & Demon Hunter are joined by Laurie Cabot: The Official Witch of Salem. Is witchcraft a belief system, a science, or both? Listen in to find out.