Mark and Debby Constantino
Mark and Debby Constantino are a husband and wife paranormal research team specializing in Electronic Voice Phenomena. They have traveled and investigated some of the most haunted locations in the country with some of the most prominent people in the field. Over the past several years they have been channeling most of their time and […]
Melissa Martin Ellis of Everything Ghost Hunting
We talk about the upcoming book -Everything Ghost Hunting- with author Melissa Martin Ellis. Melissa resides in Rhode Island and has taken classes in ghost-hunting at The Atlantic Paranormal Society in Warwick (TAPS). She was assisted in her research by members of TRIPRG, the Rhode Island Paranormal Research group, as well as Nathan Schoonover of […]
Marla Brooks of Ghosts of Hollywood
Marla Brooks is the author of the Ghosts of Hollywood series of books, published by Schiffer Books, a paranormal investigator and the host of Stirring the Cauldron on Para X radio. We talk with Marla about ghosts, witches, and spells. Of course we do it in our own way. We really have a lot of […]
Rev. Tim Shaw
Rev. Tim Shaw is an ordained Spiritualist Minister and has had extensive training in a multitude of areas such as Mediumship, Séance, Remote Viewing, Automatic & Spiritual Writing, Energy Healing, Magnetic Healing, Reiki, Past Life Regression, Metaphysical Development, Spiritualist Healing Basics, Soul Retrieval, Psychic Healing, Psychometry, Shamanic Practices, Dowsing, Paranormal Investigative Techniques, The Civil War, […]
Syd Schultz The Director of The Pasadena Paranormal Research Society
We talk about some real Ghost Hunting with Syd Schultz – The Director of The Pasadena Paranormal Research Society. Syd approaches the paranormal from a very technical and skeptical side. Always looking for rational explanations to things possibly paranormal, he chooses to make sure that when called in to help he is prepared to thoroughly […]
Stacy Horn author of Unbelievable
Unbelievable: Investigations into Ghosts, Poltergeists, Telepathy, and Other Unseen Phenomena from the Duke Parapsychology Laboratory Scientists have always disdained parapsychology, but there was a brief moment in the early 1930’s when the scientific community thought, well, okay, ectoplasm, seances and table rappings aside, maybe there is something going on. Duke opened a lab to study […]
Marley Gibson author of Ghost Huntress
Marley Gibson grew up in a southern town very much like her fictional Radisson. She never saw any ghosts growing up—that she knows of—although she has been on a few ghost hunts recently with the famed New England Ghost Project and has gotten some very interesting pictures. Marley is a member of the New England […]
Danielle Egnew and Jason Gowin
Danielle Egnew has worked as a Clairvoyant Channeler and Tonal Healer for the past 10 years. She has been the featured Clairvoyant on a number of television projects and is currently a regular guest on hit talk radio show The Sheena Metal Experience on LA Talk Radio. Believing in educating the masses on spiritual issues, […]
Warlock Corvis Nocturnum and Richard Senate
Warlock Corvis Nocturnum Born in May of 1971, great-grandson of a member of the Order of the Eastern Star and Freemason, Corvis Nocturnum began his foray into the dark and decadent world of professional art in the year 2000 as Darkartist V. Heavily influenced by artists such as Brom, Joseph Vargo, Luis Royo and Dorian […]
Satanic High Priestiss Peggy Nadramia and UFO author Sean Casteel
Peggy Nadramia is an American magazine editor and administrator in the Church of Satan, of which she is the current High Priestess, and in which she is known as Magistra Nadramia, as well as the wife of current church head Peter H. Gilmore. Sean Casteel is a contributor to Fate, UFO Magazine, co author of […]