Rick Hayes
As the founder and creator of LifesGift, Rick maintained his apparent abilities privately until early 2002. Raised in a Christian environment, Rick struggled to find answers for his abilities through faith and prayer. In 2002, a dear friend consulted with Rick in regards to a loved-one who was soon moving on with a cancerous disease. […]
Patrick Burns of Haunting Evidence
Patrick Burns is best known for his staring roll as the paranormal investigator on Tru TV’s – formerly Court TV hit series Haunting Evidence, but he was no stranger to the media prior; having been featured on CNN and an Emmy award winning documentary for TBS, among countless other appearances. Burns is also the founder […]
Bob Carter-Sammy Terry and Brian J. Cano
Bob Carter is best known for his portrayal of camp horror film host Sammy Terry. The format of Carter’s Nightmare Theater usually involved the showing of two films. During the commercial breaks, Carter, as “Sammy Terry,” would engage in camp banter with the audience and his floating rubber spider, George. This banter often included some […]
2008 MidSouth Paranormal Convention
Our thanks to Keith Age and LGHS for having us. What a blast! We were all over the place, but we got to talk to a lot of the paranormal big-wigs and bring you to you some of the really cool talks we had. If you did not get out to the MidSouth you missed […]
Dr. Barry Taff and Charlie Carlson
Dr. Barry Taff, formerly with UCLA’s parapsychology lab and principal investigator of the now famous “Entity” case has stated that this could very well be the “granddaddy of all hauntings” at least from the perspective of visual evidence captured on both video and film photographs. Charlie Carlson’s claim to fame is being the world’s only […]
Brian Wilson Sr. Carolyn Griffiths and Janice Oberding
Brian Wilson Sr. From Children of the Grave. Carolyn Griffiths the founder of Nevada Paranormal Research Group (NPRG) a local Las Vegas group & co-creator/manager of the Paracon 2008. Janice Oberding is author and paranormal research investigator, Janice Oberding has been actively involved in paranormal investigation and research for over 30 years.
Christopher Balzano and Chris Sepulveda
Christopher Balzano is the founder and director of Massachusetts Paranormal Crossroads, an online collection of legends and ghost stories from Massachusetts and the surrounding states. He has been investigating the paranormal for more than ten years and has been writing about those experiences for the past five. Chris Sepulveda is a member of Hickory Paranormal […]
T. Thorn Coyle and our friend The Professor Slim King
T. Thorn Coyle is a Magic Worker, Mystic, and Pagan. An internationally respected teacher and author, her work focuses on the alchemy that occurs when we open ourselves fully to our humanity in our quest for Divine knowledge. In combining art and science, magic and mystery, body and soul, practice and ecstasy, she has created […]
EVPs from Harold Berryman
Harold Berryman founder of Haunt Analyst (Ghost Hunters of Georgia)We talked about Ghost Hunting Down South and played some of his best EVPs.
The Professor – Slim King
“The Professor” Slim King has had an interest in the Supernatural his entire life. He has explored many Paranormal events and conducted hundreds of Psychic and simply Weird experiments. He has written several ebooks about the basics of Numerology, Palmistry, Pendulums, Dreams, Dice, and other strange methods of telling the future. Slim predicted the Belmont […]